Page name: Done In Paint [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-06-02 16:59:28
Last author: iippo
Owner: iippo
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THE Contest for Artwork done in THE only medium there is for digital art: MS Paint!

Done In Paint

This contest is now officially closed

The winner is [Mom]

Do you find yourself often choosing the title-words to describe your submissions? Do you scowld at the fancy-pancy programs like Illustrator and PaintShopPro, not to mention the ever-dreadful Photoshop? This is then your contest!

It is free, absolutely, except for one thing:

1. Has to be done in PAINT! So no fancy shite like blur or beziers or layers or such stuff. And try to avoid tracing as well - much more fun to Paint it from scratch than Paint over a scan. This is above all a contest about brilliant ideas and ways to get around in the Paint-setting.
(And naturlich, follow the Uploading Art Rules - this is not a who-can-find-the-coolest-thing-in-Google -contest)

If you are a sorry sod who only has a Macintosh, then tough, because I don't know if there is a Mac-equivalent of Paint.

How will we deside who wins?
Ah! I know!
We will ask someone! Meaning, we won't have a poll, those will just turn out to be a popularity contest.

Begin the Beguinine!

not something special or good ([Kayne] made me enter!!!!)'s just something I made for a friend as a cover for a cd, it's supposed to represent her and me (I'm on the right)

My very first (and only thing) drawn on MS Paint. I prefer pencil and paper.

[ally]: this represents my angelic and my demonic side.

[Aradon Templar]
Upon your insistence, I took to Paint, and created some colors splatched upon a white field thingy. Woe be thee of thine own demise.

It's just a parrot, born from my boredomness...

This is a banner I made for a wiki. (hope it can still be used for this contest). Inspired by this photo:


[Kaimee] hehe.

[Stray Kitty] Hehe. I was bored and I like purple, a lot.

[Nait] Is an explanation really necessary?

[Ocean Soul] 'Yellow Flower'

[Cloudwatcher] -Earth dragon


[the Indigo] Nyahaha! Made for that other paint contest, actually >>

[deeterhi]"the librarian"

[farawaygone] "What the?"

[Shadowlight] "BLOOD IN BLOOM" (I´m in a darkened phase, and paint always worth a try...)


[Mom]"Goddess Rosmerta"

[Yoruno] "Freedom"

"Alice" Meh yea..was very bored...


"Heraldic dragon" Done originally for a dragon contest n_n
<img200*0:> Click for larger view

evil tsukasa"

[Jewl] Bwah..

Dragon of Boredom
I did it at work one day, took me a few hours! =)

The lady Nea A character for one of my many stories...

Coloured because I was, er, bored... colouring in Paint is so much more fun than I expected. o.o Many thanks to [iippo] for the resize. ^_^


[Zab] - Well, done for Elf12 really.. but oh well.:P

[xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx] *edited* AH HA! I found the bestest one I think I have uploaded here on ET, this one was for a friend I used to have, Charity. This was a picture for her. ^-^
Sorry about the quality, usually it's better viewed in PNG (portable network graphics) format, however, uploading it to this server caused some distortion. ^^U Sorries.
Done in Japanese Anime style. =3

[RoyDante] Wargh!

Deadly shadows

Yet another production of...


Knothole Arcade


Username (or number or email):


2005-04-10 [windowframe]: *haunts*

2005-04-10 [iippo]: Thought you would. Feel free to co-host.

2005-04-10 [windowframe]: :\ two people hosting is enough.

2005-04-10 [iippo]: no! this is an unconventional contest!

2005-04-10 [windowframe]: *rolls eyes* I thought you wanted me to enter the damn thing.

2005-04-10 [iippo]: That too.

2005-04-10 [iippo]: the hell??? My wiki is... misbehaving.

2005-04-10 [Mortified Penguin]: uh huh....paint?......well.....I've drawn a stickman on paint....

2005-04-10 [iippo]: Exactly the sort of people we want to participate!

2005-04-10 [Mortified Penguin]: .....nah.....I'm too busy.....stupid homework....*burns homework*....

2005-04-10 [iippo]: *kicks you a little bit* Bull. We all have school, but think. Is it all for life or for school? Yeah, didn't think I made any sense there... :\ It's better in latin, a dead language that I can't understand. ^'^

2005-04-10 [Mortified Penguin]: I can partially make out some Latin words......Illuminati....

2005-04-10 [iippo]: I have a latin quote-book, but that resides in Finland.

2005-04-11 [Mortified Penguin]: Okey doke....

2005-04-11 [windowframe]: :\ Most people know more Latin than they realise. O.o

2005-04-12 [Mortified Penguin]: exactly......

2005-04-12 [Sagacious Turkey]: yes, nc... you have a lot of homework... not that you ever do any of it...

2005-04-12 [deus-ex-machina]: *deus talks to deus* You MUST do your homework. / I NEVER do my homework. / Oh, I will get bored of this one day. / No you won't. / Probably not, I'm too stupid.

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